
FW: A Friendly Pair of Eyes

By Miranda Manigold , Advertising Specialist & Sales Trainer

Radio, newspaper, phone books, donations, promotional gear, magazines, tradeshows, television, movie theater previews, billboards, social media, internet search engines, half-price coupons, etc, etc, etc…Where are your marketing dollars spent?  There are a lot of choices and more and more pop-up every day.  In fact a lot of business I work with confess that it is overwhelming to keep up with!  The good news is that all forms of marketing can work if you are doing it correctly…but are you utilizing the forms of media that you have chosen to market your business correctly?

Companies, organizations, even individuals go to great lengths these days to let you know what their name is, where they are located, how long they have been in business, etc.  They plaster their information all over the place.  Some businesses have marketing departments while a lot of times it is in the hands of the business owners to make the marketing decisions AND continue to run the daily operation of their business.  So, what is the right way to market your business?  I did say that there is a place for all marketing and it can all work if it is done correctly, right? 

The key is what you SAY that will impact your readers, listeners, and viewers to choose YOU over your competition.
How do you choose the right thing to say?  That’s where we help!  Roy Williams says,
“When a business owner can’t figure out how to take his company to the next level, it’s usually because the stairway that will take him there is hiding behind his blind spot.

You can’t see your own blind spot because you’re on the inside, looking out. The first step of a good consultant is to be a friendly pair of eyes on the outside, looking in.

A friendly pair of eyes to help you evaluate your limiting factors.
A friendly pair of eyes to help you find the message you must shout to the world.
A friendly pair of eyes to show you the opportunity that hides behind your blind spot.” 
Click here to read more from Roy Williams article.
If you are looking for a friendly pair of eyes, we are ready to help your business grow to the next level.

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