
The Price To Pay

“What’s the price?”

“You’re expensive!”

“Can you give me a deal?”

I’m sure in the years you running your business you have heard those questions and comments.  I know I have!  But here’s the truth, unless if you are THE lowest price ALWAYS (like Wal-Mart or Southwest Airlines), then don’t focus on price in your marketing campaign.  The lowest price guys, will always be the lowest price guys no matter what – that is their story and they are sticking to it!

What is your story?  If you aren’t the lowest price (which most businesses aren’t, by the way), then you have a unique story to tell.  You need to shout your VALUE through your rooftops to your potential customers and tell them what is in it for THEM.

Our staff has led many businesses through this process successfully.  You hear them on our stations daily.  But if you want more proof, just ask.  We are willing to give you a list of client references who will be happy to tell you about how we helped them discover their unique story, created a specific marketing strategy for their company, and now their businesses are getting results!

Ultimately, you choose the price to pay…What is worth more to your business in the long run?  Being the lowest price guy who gets nickel and dimed?  Or do you want loyal customers to know your worth before they walk through your door because they have already heard your story?



By Julie Hein
I was talking this morning with some friends about how we typically measure ourselves.  We take stock of what we’ve done by creating this long list of tasks that need to be done and things to improve.  It feels like work.  It is work.  Just looking at the list can make you feel inadequate, overwhelmed and like a failure.  What a bad place to have worked hard and still feel like nothing is done or nothing is done perfectly enough.  
Another way to get your goal setting done is to document the progress and celebrate them first.  Then create the “piling on to our success” list that exacerbates those victories.  That might feel better, eh?  Positivity, baby! Get yourself some.  You’re doing a great job running a business -- be sure you spend time honoring those victories as you make plans for more of them!  


Claim Jumping

By Glen Gardner
CEO Glen Gardner and Associates
Branding consultant to Z102.9 and 1600 ESPN

One of the most serious errors I see in marketing is the unsubstantiated claim. For some reason, many people seem to think that the consumer will buy it - hook, line and sinker. The consumer in 2011 is more connected and more educated than ever. With smartphone penetration growing each day, consumers can instantly seek more information on anything. Most of the phones now include scanners that can instantly do a web search that will yield mountains of information on almost any product, business or service. The modern consumer is very leery.

When an unsubstantiated claim is made, you are setting yourself up for failure. When the consumer hears something like "best in the world" or "world-famous," you are setting the bar very high. In most cases there are other ways to say your product or service is great.

One of the best ways is to put a customer in the ad. An honest testimonial carries much more weight than an unsubstantiated claim. It works a lot better to have a customer telling a story about their experience with your business than tripping a potential customer's sniff test reflex.

As in many facets of life, honesty in advertising truly is the best policy. Tell the truth, tell a story, deliver on your promises and your advertising dollars will go a lot further and work a lot better!

--  Glen Gardner/CEO GG&A 608-848-8502 office 608-345-5291 cell gardner.glen Skype http://www.glengardner.net/


A Rosy Holiday Retail Season?

It seems like just yesterday I was enjoying the 4th of July holiday in Minneapolis with a brisk hike around the lake with my family and pets in tow.  Now as I look at the weather channel’s weekly forecast, and projected lows in the 30’s, it’s dawned on me that summer is over and yesterday is possibly the last time we will see 80 degrees until at least next May.  If the internal calendar says it’s fall, the business calendar says it’s the holidays.

Just in the Saint Nick of time (holy cow, is that awful) comes a somewhat rosy holiday retail sales projection by those that claim to see the future.  Analysts in this article cite solid back to school spending as a key indicator of a solid upcoming holiday spending season.  Back to back solid holiday seasons will certainly come as a relief to some corridor businesses, which might otherwise be letting national grumblings of that dreaded “double dip” cloud their outlook.


Radio and TV make a great combo

We all know how powerful electronic media can be.  Sound stays in our brains forever.  How many song lyrics do you know by heart (and you did not set out to memorize them), but sing along when you hear it on the radio?  A recent test led by Arbitron and Entravision Communications showed improved audience reach on both radio and TV. Based upon the Denver, Colorado survey conducted in 2011, it showed that consumer usage patterns of television and radio complement one another.  From 6am to 4pm, radio delivers 70-80% of the combined audience and television delivers 80% from 7pm-midnight.  The survey also found that each of these powerful mediums delivers a distinct and separate consumer.  So Mr/Ms. Advertiser, what does this mean for you?  By utilizing both radio and television with recommended schedules and budgets, it can be an effective way to increase your consumer reach.  Let us help you determine the best way to maximize your dollars $$.    


FW: A Friendly Pair of Eyes

By Miranda Manigold , Advertising Specialist & Sales Trainer

Radio, newspaper, phone books, donations, promotional gear, magazines, tradeshows, television, movie theater previews, billboards, social media, internet search engines, half-price coupons, etc, etc, etc…Where are your marketing dollars spent?  There are a lot of choices and more and more pop-up every day.  In fact a lot of business I work with confess that it is overwhelming to keep up with!  The good news is that all forms of marketing can work if you are doing it correctly…but are you utilizing the forms of media that you have chosen to market your business correctly?

Companies, organizations, even individuals go to great lengths these days to let you know what their name is, where they are located, how long they have been in business, etc.  They plaster their information all over the place.  Some businesses have marketing departments while a lot of times it is in the hands of the business owners to make the marketing decisions AND continue to run the daily operation of their business.  So, what is the right way to market your business?  I did say that there is a place for all marketing and it can all work if it is done correctly, right? 

The key is what you SAY that will impact your readers, listeners, and viewers to choose YOU over your competition.
How do you choose the right thing to say?  That’s where we help!  Roy Williams says,
“When a business owner can’t figure out how to take his company to the next level, it’s usually because the stairway that will take him there is hiding behind his blind spot.

You can’t see your own blind spot because you’re on the inside, looking out. The first step of a good consultant is to be a friendly pair of eyes on the outside, looking in.

A friendly pair of eyes to help you evaluate your limiting factors.
A friendly pair of eyes to help you find the message you must shout to the world.
A friendly pair of eyes to show you the opportunity that hides behind your blind spot.” 
Click here to read more from Roy Williams article.
If you are looking for a friendly pair of eyes, we are ready to help your business grow to the next level.


10th Anniversary of 9/11

We all remember what we were doing or where we were on that horrible day in America’s history-September 11th, 2001.  This year marks the 10th anniversary.  Many marketers are struggling with the best way to connect with millions of consumers who will observe the day, without being insensitive.  Let me ask you--what would you like to see from one of your favorite retailers?  Special discount?  Commemorative items free with purchase?  Moment of silence at the exact time when the planes hit the towers?
The General Motors Foundation donated funds last month to increase support around the county for the 9/11 Heroes Run.  Home Depot is working with the rock band "3 Doors Down" to kick off a “Celebration of Service Campaign” that will run through Veterans Day on November 11th.   It supports service projects that improve homes and community centers where veterans live and receive services. 
How will you remember those close to 3000 Americans lost on September 11th ten years ago?  The thought still brings a tear to my eye and makes me proud that I live in this great country.  God Bless America!