
Book Review

I’m re-reading a great book, Marketing Outrageously, by Jon Spoelstra.  He has worked in sports management for professional sports franchises, including as general manager of the New Jersey Nets. 
One thing he advocates is asking yourself and staff, “what’s it going to take to….”  Insert some wild and crazy goal.  Then make a list of what it would take, even if it seems impossible or ridiculous.  Even if it means that you need a million dollars, a bunch new hires that you can’t afford and a new office space.  Just follow the thought through.  Then take it piece by piece and figure out how to get it.  You can’t get it all unless you plan for it, accept it as reasonable, dream and plan around the possibility.  It’s not “how do we end the season with 20 wins”; it’s “how do we win the Stanley Cup?”  Won’t be easy, but nothing good is.  Instead of asking, “how do I increase 5% over 2010, think about being the best of the best.”  Aim high!

He also wants everyone in an organization to ask themselves, “what did I do to make money for my company today.”  What would that do to your company? 

It’s a great book.  Especially if you feel like jumping in with both feet. 

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