
Watch out for advertising clutter

This topic came to mind when working with a client.  They have advertised for years, off and on, and have never had a strong branding message.  They didn’t know who they were trying to target.  They were used to  advertising a laundry list of products and hadn’t gotten the results they expected so almost called it quits.
Just recently I was able to get them on a consistent advertising schedule.  They have been working closely with Mo, our genius who is responsible for writing and producing ads.  Each commercial that was e-mailed for approval was revised and e-mailed back with a laundry list of items to cover.  After the third rejection, Mo decided it was time we give them a visit.

This brings me to my topic…“watch out for advertising clutter”. No one is going to remember everything on your list. If you clutter the message with too much information, they will remember nothing.  It’s better to be known for something.  Focus on that one thing you are good at and stick to it.
My client has agreed to step back and trust Mo’s advice.  They thanked us both and couldn’t believe that someone would care enough to take the time to meet with them in person to gain a more complete understanding of their business and more specifically their branding message. 

Check back with my blog in the future to see how this advertising campaign turned out.   

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