
Staying There

By Glen Gardner of Glen Gardner and Associates
Z102.9 and 1600 ESPN branding consultant

If you think getting there is tough, you're right, but staying there can be even harder.

The climb to establish your business as a brand is a long and hard fought process. You get there by being consistent and establishing your "mortar." That mortar is what people know you for. A common mistake many businesses make is backing off once they have actually accomplished the goal of establishing the brand.

In some cases they think, "well I've made it and now I can ease off." That line of thought can be a huge mistake. In many cases it's a fatal mistake.

Staying at the top of any market requires consistent branding messages. Once you are at the top, every competitor in your world is gunning for that market share that you worked so hard to get. If you back off, someone will step up to fill the vacuum and take your position.

The battle for mindshare never ends, unless you're out of business. So, getting there is only half the game... staying there is the other half.

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