By Jason Epner
All media are good. So how do you create a competitive advantage with your advertising?
Think of your advertising media (TV, radio, print, billboards, Internet, etc.) as ponds and your potential customers as the fish in these ponds.
What happens if you are fishing in the same pond as all of your competitors? If you aren't casting the best bait, it becomes very difficult to get a bite.
But what if you, the savvy fisherman, knew of a quiet, secluded lake, with thousands of the type of fish you were looking to catch? You have the lake all to yourself. If you cast good bait, consistently over time, the odds go up that you catch more fish. This lake is under-fished, meaning much more opportunity for you.
In advertising, these opportunities present themselves regularly in many different business categories. Don't automatically blame the pond when the advertising doesn't work. Are you casting bait (your commercial message) the fish are interested in? Are you fishing too close to your competitors?