
Spend and Save a Little.

By Kellie Lala 

It’s that time of year-Tax season!  According to a 2011 recent National Retail Federation survey, Americans are ready to use their tax refunds to treat themselves or their families.  What might they buy you ask?  Major purchases like a new television or furniture top the list.  However, the economy is still looming as a reminder that they just might want to save some of their tax refund for a rainy day.  Personally, I like to do a combination of the two.  I love to travel, so my refund goes to fund that passion along with putting some of my money in savings.  Look at your tax refund as “free money” and it can be used to also pay down any credit cards or debt that you may have.  My wise, former boss Eliot Keller, would always tell me that the Government had used my money interest free for the past year and now they give it back to me in the form of a tax refund.  I agreed with him 100%, however I like getting a “chunk of change” in the form of my tax refund. 

According to the National Retail Federation survey, 63.9 percent of Americans have filed their taxes by the end of this month (February) and their refunds will soon be on the way into boosting our economy.  Approximately 66% of tax payers are expecting a refund this year.  With that many Americans getting money back we can only hope that they will shop at local stores, pay for their daughter’s weddings, buy an “Imported from Detroit” new car or go see the Grand Canyon for the first time. 

How about you?  What will you do with your “free money”?  


Making Friends with Broca

I’ve never been “clubbing” in NYC, Chicago or LA or any other place for that matter.  We did our share of damage in the ped mall in Iowa City some time ago, but I’ve never been to one of those cooooooool places where they look you over before they admit you.  You know what I mean, right?  Those places in the movies that Madam Hottie gets right through, but the rest of the ordinary folk stand behind the rope, waiting.  Interesting, attractive and persuasive people (or ones passing out the bribes!) get through.  Boring, tired, ordinary people wearing last year's Manolos are ignored.  It’s up to the beefy guy in the black leather coat, evaluating at the door with a nod for the beautiful and a blank stare for the not-so-beautiful.  (author’s note:  I’ve never even seen Manolos.  I really need to get out more.)

Your brain has a similar setup.  It's called Broca's Area.  Broca is the guy who loves verbs and hates, detests, despises anything predictable.  He wears a black leather coat and turns his back on anything boring, cliché or redundant.   When you hear someone start to ramble on about themselves, this guy shuts them down.  He gives you a mental vacation where you’re standing there, eyes and ears open, but you’re not receiving any information.  He hears or sees something over-used, trite and tired and says, “get lost”—and you never even know.  He’s the gatekeeper to your brain--and no dullards will get past him. 

So, as we plan, write and produce commercials, we need to think about Broca’s area.  Roy Williams, author, marketing wiz and general good guy (please tell him I said so!), says that surprising Broca is essential in all advertising.  Make sure that your ads don’t sound like ads, that they don’t blather on about your store, your hours, your tradition, etc. Instead talk about what your customer cares about, and you'll fly right by Broca to the pre-frontal cortex.  (That's where decisions are made.)  Use strong verbs and few adjectives.  Adjectives are over-used and expected, therefore easily get on the black-ball list.  

If you want help or to chat more, give a yell.  We're here. 


Start a Revolution


The breaking news of last week was Egypt’s President Mubarak’s resignation.  Headlines told of a uprising from the people, a revolution if you will.  Apparently their government is one of the most corrupt in the world and Mubarak has been in power for nearly 3 decades.  When you hear that  their court system is so corrupt that you can pay money to get your case on the court’s agenda, but then whichever side pays the most to the judge wins.  Not a very good justice system if you ask me.  Living in the U.S.A., we complain about our justice and court system.  But after hearing these horrific stories from half way around the world we need to count our blessings.  No government is perfect and we all know things could improve.  As Egypt looks to have some new constitutional amendments in place within two months, we can all watch their reform and be grateful for the freedoms that many of us take for granted.  I have always dreamed of traveling to Egypt to see the pyramids, float down the Nile River and see ancient tombs of mummies.  Perhaps someday in the future, I can fulfill my dream.  In the meantime,  what sort of revolution can you start with your life, business or service group?        


Tick-Toc Pushing the Spring Clock

By Glen Garner
Multi-platform sales and marketing consultant

It might not feel much like it now, but spring is on the way. As a matter of fact, it's just a tad more than a month away right now. Are you prepared and doing all you can to grab your unfair share of the market that shifts gears dramatically in spring?

For scores of businesses and services the spring marks the biggest opportunity of the year. The calendar favors change. Buying habits shift, recreation shifts and the "mushroom people" that have been living inside in the dark through the winter take it outdoors again. All that change provides great opportunity.

As the economy continues to improve, the opportunity this year is probably even greater, as there is a lot of pent-up demand from consumers that have put off major purchases waiting for signs of improvement. You can only put off the purchase of a car, lawn mower, cooling system and roof for so long. For many consumers who have been waiting in the wings, the warmer weather will be the push needed to finally move off the dime.

I urge the clients I work to try to "rubberize" the calendar. If you wait too long, you are in a pitched battle with the rest of the world. If you get out a bit in front of the demand you can increase market share in a much less crowded arena and your marketing dollars can stretch further. You can also create demand by pushing an incentive to act early.

If you are in the lawn mower repair business you know you will be swamped in mid-May. Why not motivate activity now by advertising a preseason tune-up deal while your shop is empty? Even if everyone doesn't take advantage of your offer, you are still running frequency that will help you when the season arrives.

My advice is, don't wait for spring. Make it happen now!


The Buzz on Millennials

Have you tapped into the millennials yet?  Do you know who they are?  This teen and young adult target market is a huge hot button for big companies like American Eagle Outfitters, Sony Music and more.  According to Tina Wells, CEO of Buzz Marketing, she gets straight answers from a small army of teens and young adults that she has christened buzz spotters.  They like to offer their opinion and think it’s cool that their words resonate with these and other large companies. Have you asked a young person their opinion lately?  I work with teens thru my church and love to hear their conversations, their likes and dislikes and yes, sometimes their life’s dramas.  They love to be heard.  They also have jobs, disposable income and a huge influence on their parents.  They are the customers of today and for many years to come.  Don’t dismiss the younger generation.  They can help a business grow and thrive in any type of economy. 
Let me ask you; have you texted a teen today?

For more on Tina Wells and Buzz Marketing, go to <www.inc.com/magazine>