
Big Announcement

We're bringing in a guru.  An expert.  A connoiseur.  A really smart dude.  He'll be doing some seminars for us.  In the morning of April 18th in Coralville and April 19th in Cedar Rapids.  Wanna come?  Just e-mail us.  We'd love to have you.  He's a marketing guy--and he'll preach about ways to make your efforts work better.

Here's some info about his best selling book, Good Company, Making It, Keeping It, Being ItMore about Tim soon. 

Fish don’t know they’re in water. We've been like that, too. 

Tried-and-trusted methods of communication no longer ring true in today’s marketplace.

What’s more (or less, as the case may be), the systems you relied upon are failing … maybe.

If you want to not only survive but thrive in this century, you’re going to need to reorient yourself to a new way of thinking.

Inside this book, you'll find three sections devoted to case studies, lessons learned, and stories of business growth, customer delight, and personal development.

In Part I - "Making Good Company" - you'll learn about strategy and about what matters and what doesn't to consumers today. You'll learn to critically and objectively analyze what you’re trying to make happen, and what’s in your way. 

In Part II - "Keeping Good Company" - you'll learn some of the secrets that have helped my words win customers in seven countries. You'll see and - through a complementary private website - hear actual examples of copywriting and customer service success stories to help you win new customers and delight the ones you already have.

In Part III - "Being Good Company" - you'll learn some techniques for separating the truly important from the merely urgent. You'll take a look inside the Miles family - where Dee and I have learned to look at the world a little differently since our son was diagnosed with autism.

A book filled with heart, humor and historical success, Good Company will help you live, work and play a little better, a little truer, and a little stronger.

If you’re looking for a quick fix, you’re going to come away disappointed.

This book is the diet and exercise of marketing and communication and persuasion. If you’re looking for a bag of magic beans, I wish you the best of luck. But don’t worry – I’m sure some social media expert will  be by in a few minutes.

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