
New Beginnings

By Julie Hein

As we wrap up 2012, 2013 is lying ahead, all fresh and new and full of hope. 

Is there something that you should pursue, but you haven't had the time or courage?  What's keeping you awake at night?  Can you start to fix it now?  How would you feel if six months from now, everything is the same? Yeah, crappy right?  You don't have to figure out the whole plan today -- just take the first step now.  Then when the time is right, take another one. 

MLK, Jr said, "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."  Where can you go? 


B2B Marketing Trends to Watch in 2013

Did your business have the year you had planned for in 2012?  If so, congrats!  If not, what are you looking to change to have a better year in 2013?  As a 20 year radio sales veteran, I am excited about the new year and new challenges.  It is my job to help businesses grow, and I love being a part of their success.  According to a recent Radio Sales Today article (12/28/12), they are saying that digital marketing will continue to grow.  What do you do in that arena?  Social marketing, website improvement, web sales and mobile integration are all ways to increase your business’s footprint.   How will your business marry new technology with your traditional media (radio, TV, direct mail, billboards and more)?  Radio is a great way to have listeners action on your message in real time.  Direct them to your website for the call to action.  A widely known secret is a lot of web browsing and shopping occur during the work day (9am-5pm) so why not be on their radar?  I would love to share more secrets to help you grow your business in 2013.  Happy New Year and cheers to your success. 


Did You Ever Wonder?

By Julie Hein

What if...
  • You doubled your prices?  What could you provide to your customers to make it worth twice as much to them?
  • You took 29 minutes each day to work on the business instead of in it? 
  • You committed to sending a thank you note each day -- who deserves today's?
  • You smiled twice as much--would people notice and smile more too?
  • Your staff could spend more of their time doing the things they're great at doing and less time doing things they're not great at?
  • You asked your best customers what they love about doing business with you? 
What if?